Listing Manager

Smart Tree

Get found everywhere

Google. Google Maps. Amazon Alexa. Apple Maps. Facebook. Bing. Yahoo. Yelp. It doesn’t matter which map, app, voice assistant, search engine, GPS system, or social network consumers use to find and engage with your business. What matters is that they discover accurate, complete, and compelling information at every turn.

Control your business facts across 230+ digital services globally

Listing Manager puts you in control of the facts about your business across 230+ digital services globally. Our direct integrations enable you to manage all of the facts about your brand from one central source of truth, ensuring consumers find accurate information about your business — no matter where they search.

You fall into one or more of these scenarios:

  • You are not sure where your listed which means information most likely is wrong. No problem.
  • You found yourself in some sites you do not own or manage and there is miss information listed. You can fix that with one click.
  • You know all the places your listed and all information is accurate. We can put you in 230+ sites in minutes.
  • You are just realizing the pain it takes to manually change all information on each site one by one. We hear you!


  • We will create your business listings on 230+ sites
  • Increase your google rankings with more listings on multiple sites
  • Accurate information listed on multiple sites, which also helps Google
  • One click to fix or update all sites
  • Quick & easy setup

Listing Network

We are constantly adding more sites to our network!

See how your business can deliver verified answers to searching consumers, helping drive discovery and revenue.

Direct Integrations

Go straight to the source.

Match & Lockâ„¢

Command definitively.


Maintain control with

industry-best technology.

Real-Time Updates

Be Flexible and fast.

Scheduled Updates

Take vacation while Aderaco does the work.

Duplicate Suppression

Silence duplicates with

our patented process.

Publisher Suggestions

Keep consumer-suggested edits in check.


Learn. Optimize. Repeat.

Get found everywhere

Google. Google Maps. Amazon Alexa. Apple Maps. Facebook. Bing. Yahoo. Yelp. It doesn’t matter which map, app, voice assistant, search engine, GPS system, or social network consumers use to find and engage with your business. What matters is that they discover accurate, complete, and compelling information at every turn.

Control your business facts across 230+ digital services globally

Listing Manager puts you in control of the facts about your business across 230+ digital services globally. Our direct integrations enable you to manage all of the facts about your brand from one central source of truth, ensuring consumers find accurate information about your business — no matter where they search.

You fall into one or more of these scenarios:

  • You are not sure where your listed which means information most likely is wrong. No problem.
  • You found yourself in some sites you do not own or manage and there is miss information listed. You can fix that with one click.
  • You know all the places your listed and all information is accurate. We can put you in 230+ sites in minutes.
  • You are just realizing the pain it takes to manually change all information on each site one by one. We hear you!


  • We will create your business listings on 230+ sites
  • Increase your google rankings with more listings on multiple sites
  • Accurate information listed on multiple sites, which also helps Google
  • One click to fix or update all sites
  • Quick & easy setup

Listing Network

We are constantly adding more sites to our network!

See how your business can deliver verified answers to searching consumers, helping drive discovery and revenue.

Direct Integrations

Go straight to the source.

Match & Lockâ„¢

Command definitively.


Maintain control with

industry-best technology.

Real-Time Updates

Be Flexible and fast.

Scheduled Updates

Take vacation while Yext does the work.

Duplicate Suppression

Silence duplicates with

our patented process.

Publisher Suggestions

Keep consumer-suggested edits in check.


Learn. Optimize. Repeat.